Irving Bowhunters Association Present:
Benefitting TEXSAR (Texas Search & Rescue)
Saturday, April 15, 2023
California Start, 8:00 AM; Scorecards in by 12:00 PM
Irving Bowhunters Association Course
2041 S. Walton Walker Blvd, Dallas, TX 75211
Entry Fee: $10 for IBA members
$15 for non-members.
TEXSAR Volunteers and Event Sponsors Shoot free.
Registration on site the day of the event.
Archers will shoot 30 3D targets. Archers must bring own equipment.
This is a fun shoot. Turn in your scorecards by 12 PM for some awesome door prizes.
Hot food available for purchase at the IBA concession stand.
Event questions, please contact, Mark Tanner at 214-770-5903 or visit the IBA Facebook Page.
Sponsorships Now Available!
Sponsorship Level Sponsorship Fee
Stephen F Austin Brigade $250
Juan Seguin Brigade $500
David Crockett Brigade $1,000
William Travis Brigade $2,500
Sam Houston Brigade $5,000
All sponsors receive an event t-shirt, name or company name listed on the back of shirt, a LA Rescue brand gear bag, and event signage.
David Crockett ($1,000): Receive the above mentioned, two event t-shirts, and a Shotgun Trap Clinic* for one Trap Shooter at the Dallas Gun Club – includes ammunition, shooting fees, use of shotgun and instruction for 100 targets. shirts.
William Travis ($2,500): Receive the above mentioned, six event t-shirts, and a Shotgun Trap Clinic* for two Trap Shooters at the Dallas Gun Club – includes ammunition, shooting fees, use of shotgun and instruction for 100 targets each shooter. Sponsorship also includes: Logo/Link on TEXSAR Sponsor Page, TEXSAR social media post, and two tickets to TEXSAR’s Search Party event.
Sam Houston ($5,000): Receive the above mentioned, eight event t-shirts, and a Shotgun Trap Clinic* for four Trap Shooters at the Dallas Gun Club – includes ammunition, shooting fees, use of shotgun and instruction for 100 targets each shooter. Sponsorship also includes: Logo/Link on TEXSAR Sponsor Page, TEXSAR social media post, and four tickets to TEXSAR’s Search Party event.
* Shotgun clinics hosted by Bob Epstein, NRA instructor and TEXSAR member.
In 2022, TEXSAR responded to 71+ missions and our membership continues to grow. TEXSAR relies on donations to provide critical lifesaving tools, tactical equipment, fuel, water, first aid supplies, gear, and logistical training needed to fulfill our mission. Our volunteer members pay for their own training, equipment, and deployment expenses; costs that can reach thousands of dollars annually. It is through the generosity of Texans that we have been able to keep boats in the water, boots on the ground, medic packs on hand, and our amazing K9 teams searching. Like most entities we have seen the impacts of COVID-19 and understand that it has not been the easiest 24 months. We are humbled by those who continue to give and appreciate those beyond measure. How will you support TEXSAR?