Updated: Big Bend Ranch State Park Search

On the morning of Saturday, October 5, 2013, TEXSAR received a request from Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM), and Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) to assist in the search for Cathy Frye, who had been missing in Big Bend Ranch State Park since that Wednesday.  Along with partners from the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment (

TEXSAR Participates in Galveston County “Operation Storm Ready”

TEXSAR and TMAR working together in Galveston On May 29 & May 30 TEXSAR participated in a full-scale hurricane response exercise to test and evaluated Galveston County’s emergency response resources.  As part of this exercise, TEXSAR’s Search and Rescue Team, along with their partners from the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment (TMAR), participated in mock search & rescue operations around the county.  Among these drills were exercises on Bolivar Peninsula where TEXSAR will be deployed during an actual Hurricane event.

TEXSAR provides annual Search and Rescue training to the Texas Maritime Regiment at Camp Swift

Chief Nim Kidd of TDEM addresses the class. On April 18-20, 2013, search and rescue instructors from TEXSAR provided training for our partners in the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment (TMAR). The class this year had 65 members and included two full days of classroom and practical training followed by a night operations exercise on the evening of Friday the 19th and a full-scale exercise on Saturday the 20th. On Sunday, TEXSAR members were recognized by the Commanding General, Brigadier General...

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