TEXSAR Participates in Galveston County “Operation Storm Ready”

On May 29 & May 30 TEXSAR participated in a full-scale hurricane response exercise to test and evaluated Galveston County’s emergency response resources. As part of this exercise, TEXSAR’s Search and Rescue Team, along with their partners from the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment (TMAR), participated in mock search & rescue operations around the county. Among these drills were exercises on Bolivar Peninsula where TEXSAR will be deployed during an actual Hurricane event.

While the TEXSAR Search and Rescue Team conducted its exercises in the field, the TEXSAR Incident Management team worked diligently alongside the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in the Emergency Operations Center. Here again TEXSAR was tested and evaluated as it worked seamlessly with the rest of the County’s emergency response resources.
The overall feedback TEXSAR received was overwhelmingly positive with praise from the OEM. “We at Galveston County OEM are elated to have TEXSAR as a member of our response team. Your response with your associates was well beyond our expectations.”
Among the participating organization for “Operation Storm Ready” were: The Galveston County Office of Emergency Management, Galveston County Sheriff’s Office, Galveston County Health District, Galveston County Parks Department, Galveston County CERT, and TEXSAR.
Media Coverage:
- http://www.click2houston.com/
galveston-county-officials- conduct-hurricane-drill/-/ 1736084/20341502/-/3toojiz/-/ index.html - http://www.click2houston.com/
news/operation-storm-ready- underway-in-galveston/-/ 1735978/20343034/-/13h2umkz/-/ index.html - http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/
story?section=news/local&id= 9119471 - http://news92fm.com/355611/
galveston-preps-for-hurricane- season-with-operation-storm- ready/ - http://www.khou.com/news/neighborhood-news/Galveston-gets-ready-for-hurricane-season—-just-in-case–209423961.html