Swiftwater Rescue Technician 1 (SRT) – 10/18/24-10/20/24
Date(s): 10/18/2024 - 10/20/2024
New Braunfels (Lands Park)
164 Landa Park Dr
New Braunfels, TX 78130
Shawn Hohnstreiter
Contact Email: shawn.hohnstreiter@texsar.org
Course Description:
TEXSAR is offering a Swiftwater Rescue Technician 1 course (SRT) for members needing initial certification in SRT, recertification for eligible, previously certified members, and those who are currently certified and wish to audit. The course is 27-hours over 2.5 days, including one night training. You must attend all segments to receive full certification.
This certification is required of all TEXSAR personnel for operations on or near the water (hot zone) (water rescue, shore support, rescue boat operations). SRT is a prerequisite for RBO (Rescue Boat Operator) which is required for boat operations.
Selection for participation will be based on operational need and Tier status. Priority will be given to those requiring recertification.
IMPORTANT – This course is being provided at no cost for eligible members. Space is limited and we expect the demand for the class to be high. If you cannot make the class and do not cancel your registration before the cutoff date, you will not be eligible to attend future classes.
Upon registration, participants must sign an Individual Waiver of Liability and email it to Terri Putney(terri.putney@texsar.org).
Must meet all requirements for SAR Responder for a minimum period of six months prior to the date of the class. Must be a member in good standing.
Cutoff date for Cancelation:
4:00PM Thursday October 3, 2024
Tentative Schedule (subject to change):
- Friday 6pm-11pm – Classroom session, no gear/PPE needed (New Braunfels – location TBA)
- Saturday 8am-6pm & 8pm-midnight – New Braunfels – Landa Park, various locations on Comal River. You will be exhausted and it is encouraged to stay locally to be ready the next morning.
- Sunday 8am-4pm –New Braunfels – Landa Park, various locations on the Comal River
This training is being provided by TEXSAR at no cost for members in good standing that meet the prerequisites for this training. Cost for transportation, lodging and meals are not included and are the responsibility of the participant.
Required PPE:
- USCG Approved PFD Type V (Rescue with Tethered Swimmer belt)
- Water or Vertical Rescue helmet (must have vent holes)
- Hard sole, water boots or tennis shoes. NO open toes, open heels, open sides, open middle or sandals of any sort. Feet must be completely covered. The only opening should be the one your foot enters the shoe through.
- Swimsuit appropriate for professional training in public
- TEXSAR uniforms are approved if you have them, otherwise appropriate clothing for professional training in public
Optional PPE:
- Gloves
- Throw Bag
- Full wetsuit or drysuit depending on weather and how easily you get cold
Suggested Items:
- Sunscreen
- Water in plastic bottles
- Glass or Styrofoam near the water.
- Only recerts will be allowed to have lights or knives during class.
Class Rules:
- No physical horseplay
- No throwing items (this includes rocks, sticks or other objects during class time)
- No smoking or vaping while wearing or within 20 ft of any of the PPE. This includes other personnel’s gear.
- No smokeless tobacco use, smoking or vaping, during skills training or while in the water.
- Cell phones on silent during class. Answering phones is discouraged.
- Successful completion of this course requires promptness.
We will have some extra gear available for use if needed. Please, put whatever gear you may need to borrow in the “Notes” field, and let us know early. You must provide your own footwear, and we have limited wetsuits, but we typically have plenty of PFD’s and helmets. We encourage you to borrow one from another member in your division. List your wetsuit size in the comments if you need to borrow one, and please do not go out and buy gear without checking with us for recommendations or team preference first.
The gear list is in the SIMS Library section. All gear is available for purchase at Rescue Gear/Tom’s Dive and Swim in Austin, at a reduced price. https://rescuegear.com/
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Registration is closed for this event.