Is Emergency Preparedness Part of Your 2023 New Year’s Resolution?
If previous years have taught us anything, when you least expect it disaster can strike. Join us in adding Emergency Preparedness to your 2023 New Year’s Resolutions. Have you done everything to prepare you and your family?
Here are FIVE simple ways your family can be prepared for 2023:
1) Check your smoke detector batteries. Be sure they are working properly.
2) Check your first aid kit, is there anything that needs to be replaced or is expired? Here are some additional items to consider for your emergency preparedness kit.
3) Check your emergency pack. What’s your emergency plan? Here is a great emergency plan tutorial.
4) Discuss your plan with your family and emergency contacts. Are they prepared too? Click here for a fill in the blank emergency contact plan.
5) With the historic winter storms that hit most of Texas is in 2021, are you prepared when the cold weather strikes? Here are some great tips to prepare your family for winter weather.
When an emergency strikes, be sure your family is prepared!