When severe weather moved through the Central Texas region last week, TEXSAR was called upon to help those in need. For 5 straight days our members answered the calls to help their fellow Texans by conducting swiftwater rescues and participating in search and recovery efforts to help bring closure to families that tragically lost loved ones to the floods. Notable Callouts Included: Swiftwater rescue of motorist in Onion Creek flood waters off of I-35 access road. Support Hays County EOC swiftwater rescue efforts. Supports...
From July 3rd to July 7th, TEXSAR and TMAR deployed to Galveston County to assist with Operation Safe and Sound from for the holiday weekend. Personnel from both groups were integrated into the operation in support roles as force multipliers for emergency responders in Jamaica Beach, San Luis Pass, and Crystal Beach as well as working in positions with the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management and the Sheriff’s Office. In addition to...
TEXSAR and TMAR working together in Galveston
On May 29 & May 30 TEXSAR participated in a full-scale hurricane response exercise to test and evaluated Galveston County’s emergency response resources. As part of this exercise, TEXSAR’s Search and Rescue Team, along with their partners from the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment (TMAR), participated in mock search & rescue operations around the county. Among these drills were exercises on Bolivar Peninsula where TEXSAR will be deployed during an actual Hurricane event.
Kemah Triathlon 2013 TEXSAR’s Incident Management Team and Search and Rescue Team – together with Galveston County Office of Emergency Management (OEM), Kemah Police Department and a number of other agencies – successfully provided security for the 2013 Kemah Triathlon. In light of the recent tragedy at the Boston Marathon, Galveston County put a spotlight on public security, and TEXSAR used the opportunity to shine. “This event was an example of the awesome relationship between TEXSAR and the County of Galveston. TEXSAR...
On January 06, 2013 TEXSAR responded to a request from the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management and the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office to assist them with a missing person search in Santa Fe, Texas. TEXSAR members Andy Anthony, Shawn Hohnstreiter, John Gibbs, Wes Meyer, Jeremy White, Chance Berry and Greg Pyles responded. Also, nine Texas Maritime Regiment members responded to support TEXSAR. TEXSAR members served as SAR team leaders and CEO Greg Pyles served as SAR Branch Director. The responding...
On Saturday, September 22, 2012, TEXSAR deployed two teams to support the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management (GCOEM). The teams worked with Harris County Hazmat, Galveston Fire Department (GFD), The HELP Foundation and the Galveston Port Authority Police Department (GPAPD). The teams participated in the Incident Support Team to provide detection and observation during the commission of the USS Fort Worth and other events in the Port Authority area. Harris County Hazmat...